IRAN Bombshell – This THREAT Is So Great!
(NewsBroadcast.com) – Those who know the name of 1930s British Prime Minister Neville Chamberlain remember him because of his failed policy of appeasement towards Adolf Hitler. That decision allowed large chunks of Europe to fall into the dictator’s hands without firing a shot. As bad as that was, applying that idea to one of — if not THE — largest nation-state sponsors of terrorism in the world like Iran could be much worse because the country is reportedly on the cusp of being able to field nuclear weapons.
White House "worries" Iran could be nuclear weapons ready in weeks https://t.co/Cc3sONEnfq
— Newsweek (@Newsweek) April 27, 2022
To many, the administration of former President Barack Obama was an echo of Chamberlin’s disaster in his dealings with the hard-line Islamic nation. It eventually saw the repressive regime get hundreds of millions of dollars by promising that their nuke program would be limited to power generation. This was done under the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) signed on July 14, 2015. But by October 21 (an important date) of that year, Iranian Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei published a letter that effectively nullified it by adding conditions that weren’t part of the original agreement, according to the Middle East Media Research Institute (MEMRI).
In testimony before a Senate committee on April 26, Secretary of State Antony Blinken said that Iran’s ability to create a nuclear weapon now has “a breakout time that went from a year to a matter of weeks.” Why? According to Blinkin, it’s because former President Donald Trump, who was sworn into office in January 2017 (refer back to that important date above), pulled the United States out of the JCPOA.
Analysts and pundits see President Joe Biden returning to the ideas of his mentor, Obama, in trying to appease the Muslim nation’s leadership. However, regardless of whose decisions have led to this point, one thing is certain: a nuclear-capable Iran is a threat to world peace.
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