Mysterious Murders – 2 Powerful Russian Families Found Dead

Mysterious Murders - 2 Powerful Russian Families Found Dead

( – In the mid-to-late 1930s, Joseph Stalin purged the ranks of the government that he was leading, with at least one million outright executed and another million dying in Siberian gulags. With wealthy oligarchs from Russian President Vladimir Putin’s inner circle and their families starting to drop like flies, it’s not unreasonable for people to wonder if another wholesale liquidation is on the horizon. At least, that’s one theory being bandied about.

Spanish officials found a purported ally of the president Vladislav Avayev, his (possibly) pregnant wife, and his 13-year-old daughter dead of what appears to be a murder-suicide at the first cursory glance. However, one of his neighbors spoke to the press, saying that he was straight-laced, and in her opinion, there was “no way” he could do that.

Authorities found another multimillionaire Russian executive, Sergey Protosenya, hanged in his apartment near Barcelona, Spain, with his wife and 18-year-old daughter dead from multiple stab wounds. Police say that the crime scene might be another murder-suicide. However, once again, there are doubters. His former employer issued a press release announcing the deaths and claiming those rumors “bear no relation to reality.”

Newsweek reported that officials have found four additional oligarchs dead since Russia invaded Ukraine on February 24, one in the United Kingdom and three in Russia. Police officials claim all four men appear to have died by their own hands.

What do you think? Is there an explanation for that many deaths in less than four months?

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