ALERT: 3 Types Of Identity Theft You NEED To Know About
(NewsBroadcast.com) – The World Wide Web is by no means a recent invention — after all, it was 1999 when former Vice President Al Gore told CNN’s Wolf Blitzer, “I took the initiative in creating the Internet.” For some reason, people are still putting private information out on the web, seemingly without regard to what “Black Hat” hackers can retrieve and do with it. We will discuss three common types of identity theft that people fall victim to and what they can do about them.
One thing criminals always seem to want is more money. Well, almost everyone is interested in getting more of that, it’s just that this crowd isn’t looking for legitimate employment – they just want to steal other people’s assets.
This can take on different forms such as stealing bank account numbers to siphon balances away from the legal owners. Another tactic is for them to intercept a person’s Social Security Number and using it to open a credit card in their name.
To protect oneself from someone getting a Visa or American Express or other cards in their name that they know nothing about, experts advise people regularly check their credit report with the three different bureaus: Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion. They can also put a block in place with them that prevents their information from being released without prior authorization.
Health insurance is quite expensive, even if one is using the Obamacare exchanges . Oddly enough, there doesn’t seem to be any employer plans available to crooks. So, they will use someone else’s identity so they can seek treatment from doctors or hospitals.
One thing that can be done to prevent them, or at least be aware of them and take action, is to always check the explanation of benefits that the insurance companies send out. If they have paid out a claim to a doctor or for a service that never happened, call them and/or the provider and dispute the claim.
A publication on the Social Security Administration’s (SSA) website says, “getting a Social Security number for your newborn is voluntary, but may be needed to obtain important services” such as access government programs or medical coverage. One way to help lessen the chances of someone usurping their identity is to question why someplace like a school wants the number, ask if they can use another form of ID, or if they can give the last four digits.
Another way to protect one’s identity in general simply involves good sense and vigilance when it comes to dealing with the world. Scammers will send out emails or text messages to “verify” account information or will leave voicemail messages asking for a return call.
Once the consumer takes the requested action that they asked for, they will be able to use the electronic footprint to gather a wealth of information about the person. Before responding to any of the requests, one should check the return address. If it seems even the tiniest bit sketchy, then initiate communication with the company at the customer service instructions found on their website.
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